Apprehensions were looming large as I was heading to the Chamber of Prof. Dipti Ranjan Pattanaik in Revenshaw university. Teacher of my MA days, he was once a nightmare into-to for a 'not so bright' and lethargic student like me.
In retrospect, I still remember his unconventional stance as a University teacher. His insistence to present a paper on "Paradise Lost" every alternative day was like a hard task at its core. And to make the matter worse, the comments followed by the presentation were like a gateway to inferno (Tongue-in-cheek). But in the course of action, speeches like 'the indomitable spirit' and 'we are all sons and daughters of Kharavela' were highly inspiring. And the most surprising was his interpretation of the character of Satan as an "Anti-hero"who turned out to be an ideal epitome of chivalry and leadership. Thus, Dipti sir, in his exceptional yet fathomable interpretation of text, was sort of pleasant to listen to .
A tight slap on my back!! before I realised what was happening around, my face turned red, my throat got dry and I was absolutely dumb founded. When i lifted my head from the copy i was writing on, I found Dipti sir with hot red eye pointing his finger at my copy where i had written 'homer' instead of 'Homer'.
whenever an ATM doesn't work while withdrawing cash , current goes out in the middle of a power point presentation, or AC doesn't work while an important meeting is on, a single sentence comes out very spontaneously "Technology is wonderful as long as it works ". From a casual comment by Dipti sir that has become 'a quotable quote' for all of us.
While approaching Prof. Pattanaik's chamber, thoughts were jostling against each other, there was an unknown pleasure ,deep down the heart for meeting him after a long gap and having him as a teacher once again. Though pleasant yet apprehensive was the feeling as I know it's going to be very tough to get back to the mainstream study once again and tougher to have Prof. Pattanaik as my teacher.